Thursday, December 18, 2008

Staying home on a snow day

It's snowing all over the Seattle area today, which means the teevee clowns are yapping about snow! and ice! and roads! and WINTER STORM SNOPACALYPSE 2008! Oh my! And the city pretty much shuts down because they're unable to clear the roads and anyway many of the roads are steep and turn to ice and the drivers can't drive because they don't know how so they throw up their hands and abandon their vehicles at the side of the road or even in the middle of the road.

Oh dear, oh dear. Well, I was going to go to work today anyway, but I talked to a couple people at work who informed me that it took them nearly two hours to get there and that the buses downtown are all backed up and stuck everywhere.

So I stayed home.

I walked Annabelle to the grocery store and got some eggs and milk and things for dinner later.

And now I'm just kicking back with Anastasia and our furry friends.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh that mini...I love the pics!