Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day

In Kathryn and Albert's living room, sipping red wine, watching the results come in. Making jokes because that's what you do in tense situations.

Electoral votes rising, rising, rising. Excitement growing.

And then

NBC very abruptly fills the screen with a photo of Barrack Obama and beside it, the words, "44th President of the United States of America."

A mistake. They must have hit the wrong button and brought the graphic up too soon. But then Brian Williams confirms it.

And we're sitting there--well, three of us are sitting there. Anastasia can't sit anymore. She's dancing--and our eyes are locked on the television screen. Is this real? Is this really happening?

Then we seen that Obama's electoral votes are at 276, then 284. Before long, the numbers climb above 300.

Oh my God. He did it. We did it. I can't move, so I pull Anastasia closer to me and begin hugging her leg while she runs her fingers through my hair. I'm trying not to cry.

With the exception of my wedding day, I can't remember ever feeling such profound happiness. Feeling so full of joy and hope. So proud of my country and of all the Americans who turned out in force to vote for a change.

This is amazing.

And yet, I still feel like it hasn't fully sunk in. It's a lot to process.

Last night, thousands of people in Seattle took to the streets in celebration. Separate gatherings marched toward each other and converged in an amazing display of human affection. Drivers who couldn't move because of the crowd, got out and hugged strangers and celebrated with them.

My heart is so full today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel the same way Jack. I saw a little flash of Seattle in the streets on the news and wish I was there. I was amazed in the end to see that Florida was Blue. Amazing.