Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What's Going On

Well, for starters, we had a great time in Chicago with Stasia's brother. Deep dish for dinner and an awesome brunch the following day -- a day which was colder than should be allowed.

From there, the three of us drove to Lansing Michigan, home to Stasia's family, where we commenced with a week of reading, relaxing, eating too many cookies and generally slothing about.
Whilst in Michigan...

We watched two movies: The holy-cow-funny-and-fantastic Charlie Wilson's War and the way-more-brutal-than-I-thought-it-was-going-to-be Sweeney Todd.

I read a book: The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It's an Oprah selection, but don't let that fool you. This was one of the most intense and satisfying books I've ever read. A story about a father and son struggling to exist in a post-apocalyptic world. Yeah, I know, sounds like a real pick-me-up, right? Well, it's not. In fact, I've kind of felt the need to recover or "come down" from that book before starting another one. Like I said, it's pretty intense.

Part of that intensity stems from its simplicity. The writing is very minimalistic. The scenery very drab. The emotions very numb. Humans are knocked down to a very primal existence. Some choose to follow the moral compass they've always known, while some spiral into methods of survival that sit in your stomach like a brick.

What else is going on?

We're having our roof replaced this week -- well, depending on the weather of course. Forecast shows lots of rain this week, but we'll see. If it's just a drizzle, I think they can still work on it.

We're pretty excited to see the finished product. Yesterday morning we woke to find a big truck parked in front of the house -- there to deliver materials. It's all stacked up on the roof now, waiting for workers!

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