Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wintery Weekend

Was skeptical on Saturday. The weather reports tend to exaggerate. Come about 3pm, however, Seattle was being blanketed by a flurry of fluffy white stuff. Nice!

Ended up being a (mostly) great night for Annabelle. Stasia and I took her down to a nearby football field to get her snow on. There's nothing like watching a dog in the snow. She ran and ran and buried her face, rolled around, did her little "swimming" moves.

Somewhere along the way, poor Annabelle Fuzzypants hurt her paw. We didn't notice until we got back home and saw that she was tracking blood through the house. Looked like she broke a claw somehow. So, we bandaged her up and her spirits didn't seem to suffer at all for it.

Now it's Sunday. Stasia is off with friends at a craft fair and I'm just having a relaxing day at home with the fuzzy beasts.

It's a great day all around -- especially since the Seahawks beat Philadelphia 28-24. Lofa Tatupu is king!

Bandaged paw

Deep in thought

Evil Kitty... is making her plans...


Unknown said...

Love the pics and I loved the game too. I watched it since I couldn't see the Viking game, however they won as well. T'was a good day for football.

kathryn said...

Haha, love the picture of Mini - I didn't know she had it in her!